Friday and Saturday, November 22-23, 2024
1:00 pm ET – 4:00 pm ET both days Time Zone Converter
Meeting Online (Zoom)
The 2-day workshop is recorded for your personal archives.
$97 USD includes AI transcripts, video and audio links
Register HERE for the 2-day ADHD 101 for Women workshop
Whether you are recently diagnosed OR you were diagnosed decades ago, ADHD 101 for Women was designed for you.
The ever-popular ADHD 101 for Women returns! Hundreds of ADHD women have not only revisited their ADHD ‘roots’ but shared their stories with other (literally) like-minded women during this 6-hour workshop, now divided into two, three-hour sessions.
We start with the basics (the differences in ADHD women, review of the ADHD brain, ‘sidecar’ ADHD diagnoses), then veer into ADHD hormone factors and discuss how ADHD impacts relationships. The workshop will also address the ADHD-memory connection, how to fight disorganization and time blindness and its accompanying frustrations. Plus offer a ton of potential workarounds, solutions and insights that can bolster your ADHD life.
Have a beginner’s mind
Even if you know “all about” ADHD, I invite you to have a beginner’s mind and attend this targeted workshop anyway. Let go of the “I already know this stuff” and listen with new ears.
I guaranteed you will hear new information in a new way. After all you have never heard this before on November 22 or 23 — or with me — or with exactly the same women in the room. So…you’ve never heard it!
Added bonus: ADHD folks thrive on repetition – we need reminders of what we know and this is a perfect opportunity to jump in again.
Workbook included:
Each ADHD 101 workbook also contains thoughtful questions about how each of these topics impact your unique ADHD life. Remember, your ADHD is different from anyone else on the planet. It’s your chance to cement the raw floppy edges of embracing your ADHD instead of rejecting it.
Here’s the daily rundown:
Friday, November 22, 2024, 1:00 – 4:00 pm EST
- ADHD basics (neurology, co-existing conditions, presentations)
- Estrogen and the ADHD female brain (impact over your lifetime)
- ADHD relationships (family, friends, intimate, kiddos)
- ADHD money for women (earning, spending, saving – wise tips)
Saturday, November 23, 2024, 1:00 – 4:00 pm EST
- Memory and ADHD (brain implications, memory boosters)
- Emotional ADHD (quiet the amygdala, impulsive blurting, RSD)
- The Time Conundrum (time blindness, surefire method to be on time, handy reminders)
- ADHD Dys-organization (calming the piles, clutter distraction, overcoming overwhelm)
Can’t attend the entire workshop? No worries — each day is recorded; the replay is available for a full year and is downloadable so you can keep it forever!
Menopause and ADHD
You know all those awful menopause jokes: “Is it hot in here or is it just me?” or “Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most.”
But when you are the owner of an ADHD brain, menopause, perimenopause and postmenopause are truly not laughing matters.
Does ADHD get “worse” with age? It sure does when your estrogen starts bouncing around like a pogo stick and eventually drifts into oblivion. But WHY does the ADHD brain often suffer more during this time of life? Great question – we’ve got answers!
Register now for a first-of-its-kind ADHD workshop that digs deep into the challenges of the ADHD menopause cycle with cutting edge explanations and practical solutions for everything from hot flashes to memory lapses.
Even better, there will be ample time to share your story with other like-minded ADHD women. Knowing you aren’t alone is an enormous relief. And forgetting your dog or cat’s name won’t feel quite so frustrating!
Join Linda Roggli, PCC, and ADDiva coaches as they explore the impact of hormones on the ADHD brain and offer reassurance that things can and will improve – with an adjustment in attitude!
Is it ADHD or is it AGE?
- Memory lapses?
- Night sweats?
- Foggy brain ?
- Unable to multi-task?
- ADHD Symptoms worse?
- More irritable than usual?
- More distractible?
- Bored more easily?
Email Customer Support:

Can I attend only one day?
No – ADHD 101 for Women is a two-day event. The information builds from one section to the next. All sessions are recorded so if you have to miss one session or even an hour or two you’ll have the replay almost instantly.
Is there a payment plan?
Especially since this is a special lower sales price, all registrations must be paid in full before the workshop begins.
Are there guest speakers at the event?
No. Linda Roggli has been working with ADHD women since 2005 and has built a huge repertoire of information she will share at the event.
Will you offer ADHD 101 again?
Of course, but not until 2025. Dates are not yet set. We’ll let you know via email.