Help for ADHD Women


ADHD Private Coaching

You may have heard of ADHD coaching which helps you move forward in your life. Linda is a certified life coach with advanced specialization in ADHD coaching. Click HERE for a personal letter from Linda about coaching for ADDivas (and some extraordinary men, too!).


ADHD Retreats

Retreats are like coaching on steroids — lots of information in a small amount of time. The rewards are great, the transformation remarkable. Linda’s retreats come in three forms:

  1. ADDiva weekends
  2. ADDiva transformational retreats
  3. Couples retreats
  4. ADHD Coaches Recharge Weekend



ADDiva Connection Calls

Bi-monthly calls offered to the ADDiva community at no charge. Linda facilitates the 60-minute sessions three times a year; there are prominent ADHD guest speakers the other 3 sessions. Downloads of the classes are available at modest charge.



ADDiva Meetup Support Group – North Carolina

Every first Tuesday night, Linda facilitates a  free support group for women with ADHD at GardenSpirit Guesthouse in Durham, NC. It’s a no-holds-barred place to let your ADHD show without embarrassment or shame.


ADDiva Coaching Spa

Accountability, community, support, education – that’s what the ADDiva Coaching Spa is all about. Less expensive than private coaching with the advantage of connection with other ADDivas like you. Find out more about this small group coaching experience by clicking HERE.

Get Details

ADDiva coaching spa logo 2017: Coaching for ADHD Women


ADDiva Entrepreneurs MasterMind

Many ADDivas own their own companies, large and small. The ADDiva MasterMind is designed as a confidential, supportive environment in which to learn from each other and thrive! Small group, non-competitive, progressive yet forgiving of our foibles.

Find out more here



Show your ADDiva pride!

There are many products that carry the signature ADDiva logo: T-shirts, buttons, calendars, mugs and whimsical bumper stickers. Visit Shop ADDiva for lots of choices!