ADHD Couples VIP Retreat


OK, so you keep trying to make this relationship work, but:

  • when you sit down to talk things through, things get worse instead of better;
  • you can barely remember how it felt to be in love with your partner;
  • you’ve both settled for far less than you deserve.


Isn’t it time you discovered The Secret to a great relationship?

Find out how to bring back the hugs and the giggles,
the deep affection and genuine communication, the laughter and the love at “The Heart of the Matter: Sailing the Seven Cs to a Great Relationship.”


As much as we’d like to believe in fairy tales

… or in country western songs, enduring relationships aren’t the immediate result of an “I do” or exchanging keys to his/her apartment. Great relationships are created, day by day, conversation by conversation, event by event.

If you are fortunate enough to know a couple who has beaten the odds and stayed together for years, they will surely tell you that there have been some “rough times.” A deeply satisfying, lasting relationship is forged in the way you handle those “rough times.”

So what went wrong (or right) for the two of you?


Great relationships aren’t born, they’re built.

 A single weekend in the Piedmont of North Carolina could quite literally change both your lives. Together, the two of you will:
– Sail the Seven C’s to a great relationship (hint: the first one is Commitment)
– Learn the five secrets to appreciating each other fully
– Find out how to listen (and hear) with love
– Discover how to disagree without losing yourself
– Refocus your attention on the “little things” that can strengthen your relationship


Forged in the heat of blame; tempered by the deepest love

Married for 27 years (second marriages for both), Linda and Victor have long experience in the relationship arena. After a rocky start in 1991…and 1992…and 1993…and 1994…well, you get the idea.

It took a long time for this battle-weary couple to wake up and realize that their most precious gift was right in front of them: each other.

Now they have a marriage that most people yearn for. “You two are the shining example,” says a dear friend.

But the Rogglis aren’t much different from you. They didn’t sit before an ancient guru to divine the secret of lasting relationships.

Rather, they learned a few simple concepts that literally changed their world. And they are willing to share them with you and your partner in a single, glorious weekend.

Victor Linda Dallas 2013

Privacy, confidentiality, affirmation

“The Heart of the Matter” is a private retreat exclusively for couples who are committed to each other and to the relationship. Confidentiality is assured; what happens at the retreat stays at the retreat.

The format of the weekend is a combination of instruction, exercises you do alone with your partner and some group activities. The accent is all positive – Linda and Victor are there to help gently guide you to a relationship that is rich with meaning, friendship and love.


When should you attend a Heart of the Matter retreat?


– You feel that something is missing from your relationship
– You don’t feel ‘heard”  by your partner or spouse
– You find yourself staying away from home to avoid conflict
– You feel alone, even when you’re with your partner
– You talk to your friends more than to your partner
– You’re in a vicious cycle of blame and shame, guilt and pain
– You sometimes feel hopeless 
– You’ve slept in the guest bedroom more than once this month
– You find yourself angry at your spouse much of the time
– You wish things would change but you don’t think your partner is willing to “work on it”
– You fantasize about finding someone who really loves you

Why VIP Couples retreats?

Victor and Linda have been facilitating couples retreats since 2006. 

Although they once hosted multiple retreat couples they realized that it can be more difficult for some couples to be open about their relationship in the presence of others. When one or both partner withholds information or emotions, the impact of the retreat is diminished.

Now they invite only one couple at a time to the guest house – there are only four of us- you, your partner or spouse, Victor and Linda. 

Our VIP Couples Intensives live up to their name: they go deep and wide, opening up both partners to a new way of interacting, a new approach to the relationship.



A weekend that can change your relationship for the better.

Click Here to Register

You’ve read the books. You know how to avoid arguments.


Because no one gave you the opportunity to practice USING those useful tools before the heat of the moment swamped you both and you reverted to your old patterns, that’s why.

All that is about to change with a weekend of practical words-you-can-use-everyday instruction and experience. You and your partner/spouse/significant other will leave this weekend with an arsenal of tools that really work and (more importantly) you’ll know how to use them!

Seriously, if you are thinking about leaving your relationship, think again. It does no good to simply change partners. Why? Because guess who’s coming along to your next relationship? YOU. So if you don’t learn this stuff now, you’ll have the same communication problems in the NEXT relationship. Isn’t it time to stop looking over your shoulder to find something better? Your relationship – THIS relationship – can be better. A lot better.

There’s no magic bullet.  But the good news is that it gets easier with practice. And we’ll make sure you have a lot of practice before you go home again.

Our only requirement for attendance is that BOTH of you are committed to your relationship. Otherwise it’s a waste of your time and money. If you want out, don’t come to Durham. But if you want a rich, loving relationship with your partner, it just might change your life. Truly.

The relationship you both deserve.

The Retreat Schedule

Your best bet is to arrive at GardenSpirit Guesthouse on Thursday night, before the retreat begins on Friday morning. You can come in as early as you like, relax, enjoy the meditation paths, the labyrinth and the hot tub.


Transforming Your Lives

The focus is on your relationship – together

While it’s possible to work on a relationship alone, it’s usually not effective. So, to make the most of this weekend, check in with your partner to make sure he or she is committed to playing at 100% for the sake of the relationship.

Funny, but when you really make the effort, not only does the relationship deepen and grow, but so do the partners! It’s amazing!

One more thing: this IS a relationship retreat, isn’t it?
You may be wondering about the context of this retreat — is it about s^x? Not really, although the retreat IS about relationship. Relationship often means s^x, but that’s not our main focus. Nothing kinky planned from our point of view! Just wanted to clear that up before your mind went off in a different direction!!!

Ready to re-energize your relationship? Your lives?

Click Here to Register