Know what you should be doing but can’t quite DO it?
Tired of breaking promises – to yourself and everyone else?
Finally ready to change how you handle your ADHD?

Maybe it’s time
for the ADDiva Coaching Spa!

12 weeks of intensive, remarkably effective coaching with Linda Roggli 
and other women who truly understand the challenges of owning an ADHD brain — because they each have one, too!

Click for REPLAY of the CHOOSE. COMMIT. COMPLETE. webinar (requires flash)
Click here to read the Coaching FAQs, then return to this page

What’s this all about?

BYOI (Bring Your Own Issue)

Topic unstructured to accommodate your ADHD concerns  – no restrictions

90-minute sessions, once a week for 12 weeks, $1200 (pay monthly: $400/month for three months

Daily reconnection and check-in online with support, encouragement, and accountability

The Spa includes membership in the ADDiva Network program, an online accountability connection private and open only to group participants (complete confidentiality)

April 28- July 28, 2025

Monday 1:00 pm Eastern, 12:00 pm Central, 11:00 am Mountain, 10:00 am Pacific 
(find your time zone here) 


April 15 – July 8, 2025

Tuesday 4:00 pm Eastern, 3:00 pm Central, 2:00 pm Mountain, 1:00 pm Pacific 
(find your time zone here)


Sessions structured for maximum effect

Check-in, acknowledgments, accountability, support, commitments

Safe space to be the authentic ADDiva YOU

Guidelines via the Standards of Presence

Personal coaching with Linda Roggli

No assistant- or peer-led sessions

Click here to register for the Monday, April 28, 2025 1:00 pm Coaching Spa Program
Tuesday 4:00 pm Coaching Spa group is full. Please email us if you would like to be added to the waitlist

Email Janine for details:

No matter how many classes you sign up for,

…no matter how many webinars you watch or how many books you read, the rubber doesn’t hit the road until you TAKE ACTION.

That’s not always easy.

There are distractions. A lot of them.

There is your history of – dare we say? – failure (to live up to your own expectations).

You have so many OTHER things to do before you get around to “that one.”

And yet….you still haven’t given up, have you?

That’s a really positive ADHD trait, did you know that? Tenacity R Us. Sometimes to a fault.

But joining the Coaching Spa is like reigniting your passion for the seemingly impossible tasks.

It’s setting a goal and actually REACHING it.

It’s pretty cool.

Now you have a chance to change your life.

Get on with it. Do what you’ve always wanted to do.

Because I’ve got your back. Me. Linda Roggli. A real live ADHD coach.

Coaching works, trust me. I’ve witnessed it again and again: Transformation; Self esteem; Joy; Satisfaction. It can happen for you.

Yeah, but coaching is expensive, right?

Not this time…

Save 50% off the price of private coaching

PLUS… all Coaching Spa ADDivas have the option of adding private sessions with Linda for just $200 each (during the coaching spa, of course).

12 Weeks of ADDiva Coaching Spa 


You deserve this…

Click here to register for the Monday, April 28, 2025 1:00 pm Coaching Spa Program
Tuesday 4:00 pm Coaching Spa group is full. Please email us if you would like to be added to the waitlist

Email Janine for details: