I’m in Philadelphia PA this weekend at the ADDA Board of Directors retreat (ADDA is the largest support organization for adults with ADHD – http://add.org) and it’s pretty exciting to be involved in the “bigger picture.” There is talk of advocating for ADHD adults like us in the workplace – helping employers understand our need for relatively simple accommodations. And we are discussing public policy – helping legislators understand the need for funding of ADHD research and treatment.

As the webinar chair, I’m giving a brief report this morning about the success of this year’s series (open only to members of ADDA – what? you’re not a member? here’s the website -http://add.org). And it was a success. We had folks sharing their expert information about medication, alternative treatment, organization, college prep, workplace issues, procrastination, memory and a host of additional ADHD issues. Today, a frank discussion about the possibilities and priorities. I’ll keep you posted as the plans for Year 2012 unfold!