OK, it’s scary out there right now.

The $700 billion bailout (with MY MONEY!), the debates, the stock market, gas prices, jobs disappearing- when will it END?

I admit it, I fell headlong into a state of depression for several weeks. I was so overwhelmed with the bad news that I just shut down and moved like a snail through my life.(Notice you didn’t get an ADDiva Confidante newsletter for October yet?)

I’ve finally managed to get out of the muck and feel like myself again – and it took several proactive steps. I’m listing them on the chance you might need a helping hand, too:

1. I sought the advice of my doctor …
…who decided my haphazard approach to Adderall wasn’t doing me any favors, so we adjusted the dose — downward I might add – and I am now regular about taking it twice a day. Temporarily, we also bumped up my Wellbutrin so I could pull out of the slump. My best friend’s motto is: “better living through chemistry” and I have to agree sometimes.

2. I took some time off to rest my adrenal system
I gave myself permission to take off the entire weekend to do nothing at all. Nothing. Nada. I floated, I fed myself, I napped, I read a little. I walked in the woods. None of these things improved my bottom line or helped my retirement fund. But I felt so much better on Sunday night – I felt like myself again.

3. I gave myself some simple creature  comforts
When I am stressed out I need comfort food (anything sweet and white and creamy like tapioca pudding and whipped cream) and soft fluffy things (I have several throws that are ‘petting quality’ so I can rub my hand down them to feel their softness). This time, I bought myself a new pillow (I know, spending money is NOT smart, but I am sleeping SO much better now and I needed that).

4. I reconnected with my deeper self
It’s easy for me to fall back into that anxious, pessimistic Linda of old. But I know I am not that: I am the optimistic and upbeat Linda of today. Even when life is tough. ESPECIALLY when life is tough. What good is it to have a positive attitude that crumbles in the face of adversity? If I give in to the negative stuff, it’s like having a positive side that’s a turncoat, or worse, a marshmallow (umm .. marshmallows – white, sweet, comforting..)

I return to my positive self by listening more deeply to my inner wisdom – my sacred self, if you will. OK, so I reconnect with the Sacred Divine. That never disappears, no matter what the Dow Jones does.

5. I surrounded myself with positive reminders
I have lots of postcards that I created for myself (and you) so I looked at those again. I re-read some of the quotes I’ve collected from my mentors – Jack Canfield, Neale Donald Walsch, Debbie Ford. I got out my mandala book and colored a mandala – repetitive and soothing.

6. I wrote this blog post to you
…because telling someone else about how I feel makes it less overwhelming. Going public about my own panic and fear allows me to face it (and myself) in a different way. That in itself is scary: What if you judge me for being less than perfect? What if you decide that I have clay feet and don’t walk my talk? What if you want someone to FIX IT and I can’t do that?

Well, here I am in all my humanness and ADD-ishness. I’m here. For me. And you.

So here’s the opportunity to go public with your fears, your solutions, your soothing reminders. Add to the conversation so I’m not alone out here on a limb, OK?

I wanna hear from you. A lot of you.

What’s going on for you in the face of these last weeks? Scared? Shut down? Overwhelmed? Let’s hear it — you’re safe here. Any replies that aren’t supportive won’t be posted (I have veto power). You can leave your comment below my signature.

Hoping to get some chicken soup for our ADDiva souls….

Hugs and tender love

