My son Gregory called tonight and said three words that warm a grandma’s heart: “Get on Skype!”

And so I did. And Lilly Jean was cooing and cackling and grabbing and crawling and…I can’t help it. I’m just fascinated by her. Such a personable little gal, not afraid to show her personality or ask for what she wants (and let’s face it, what she wants often is food, sleep or freedom to roam).

She’s so uninhibited and fresh, I admit it puts my whimsical side to shame. She has no compunction about spitting out food she doesn’t like. She doesn’t censor the expressions on her little face if something is too sour or chewy. She wrinkles that young brow and sticks out her tongue – yuck! She gets rid of it!

I’m sure I did the same thing before I was “socialized” to be polite and swallow the offending food anyway, or use a spoon to discreetly remove it and hide it under a lettuce leaf on the salad plate.

I think it’s time to take a lesson from the little Lillykins: tell the truth about what you don’t like (and what you do)! For me, those dislikes include shirts with scratchy tags in the bag (cut them OUT right now!), waiting in line at the grocery store (what a WASTE of time!) and being forced to work inside when the sun is shining outside (I wanna garden, mommie!).

But on the plus side…I really love that little Lillykins!